Saving the Legacy of C.L.R. James in Dalston

Congratulations due to everyone involved in the C.L.R. James Legacy Project for the small but important victory of keeping the name of the author of a classic account of the Haitian Revolution – The Black Jacobins – on the library he inaugurated over twenty years ago.

Over the last decade local activists have been fighting ongoing struggles with Hackney council to prevent the eradication of monuments which hold the memory of Black history and the story of multi-racial political solidarity in the borough, such as new plans to close Centerprise, the community bookshop and Black cultural centre founded in 1970.

An earlier struggle was the attempt save Dalston theatre, home of the legendary Four Aces club site – which has been documented brilliantly by Winstan Whitter in Legacy in The Dust – one of the first explicitly cross-cultural social centres in East London, now site of the new C.L.R. James library.